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joi, 19 aprilie 2012

Physical or Water Damage Requiring an iPhone 3g Board Replacement

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One of the hazards of having an iPhone in the winter is the sensitivity to water damage. For many people who live in areas with lots of snow and cold weather, or even zones where it simply rains all winter season, the humidity can be a real killer of electronics. Even without actually dropping the phone into water like a puddle, simply talking on it during a rainstorm can result in irreparable damage.

This damage is not easy to undo, and often an iphone 3g board replacement will be required. It's extremely helpful to get a protective cover or case for your iphone, at least to use during the winter, but these cases cannot completely eliminate the risk of damage

For many people, iphones are desirable and convenient because of the sleek, thin design. They can easily be stored in a person's pocket and carried around all night without worrying about discomfort. This little perk can quickly turn into a dangerous feature when the owner forgets about it in a back pocket or chest pocket and it goes tumbling out. The mere act of falling from such a height can necessitate an iphone 3g board replacement, but falling into water during messy, slushy winter storms can be even worse. 

The first thing that should be done is that the phone should be turned off, especially if there is water damage, and taken apart as best the user can. It should then be left out in a dry environment to air dry for at least 3 to 5 days. After, put the phone back together and see if it's working or not. If it is, then phew you're in luck! If not, it's time to consider an iphone 3g board replacement.

After falling or suffering water damage, the phone may begin to freeze or may not turn on at all. The screen may stay completely black, or the Wi-Fi feature may be troublesome or stop working completely. All of these symptoms are signs that an iphone 3g board replacement is the right course of action. A new piece, or even just a new to you' part can be bought online, but prices vary. If the part is used then it can come for a very affordable price.

A new part can, of course, be more expensive. Be sure to shop around for an iphone 3g board replacement, searching in various sources. The less you spend on the actual part the more time, energy and money that can be invested into good solid repair work.

If you have any doubts at all about an iphone 3g board replacement being the right solution for your physically damaged or water damaged iphone, take it to a professional first. However, if you witnessed the damage to the phone and then any of these symptoms presented themselves, it's quite likely the logic board is fried. Those who are so inclined may be able to tackle the repair themselves. Others will send the phone away to be fixed, or even simply sell the phone for parts and get cash back! No matter what, remember prevention is key and always protect iphones with protective covers or cases!

Residential Real Estate and Water Damage Claims — What you Should Know

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Homeowners insurance is a must for any owner of residential real estate. It has been around for many years, coming to the rescue of many real estate homeowners. Leaky pipes and their subsequent damage have been causing homeowners grief for an even longer time. Homeowners insurance has alleviated such problems by underwriting the cost for repairs.

I remember as a child my father making repairs with money from our homeowners insurance policy. He told me that there was never a claim too small, unless it was within the deductible range.

While my fathers information was correct for the times, the rules for small claims on residential real estate have changed. Submitting a small claim today, especially for water damage, could cost you multitudes more in the future.

A California Insurance Department study showed that 25 percent of insurance companies refused to renew policies for residential real estate owners, who made one or two non-water damage claims within the past three years. The figure rose to 32 percent, when the claims were water damage-related. This means the insurers are paying the legitimate claims but are apt to drop those real estate customers at policy renewal time.

Additionally, all insurers share claims information through the Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange (CLUE) database. Not only are you apt to be dropped by your current residential real estate insurer, but others may not approve you. The study also showed that 62 percent of the top 13 insurers in the state of California refused applicants with only one-to-two claims in the past three years.
If another insurer does approve you, it will most definitely be at a much higher premium rate that will add up over the years to a much larger amount than the small water damage claim you made.

So, what has changed?

Toxic Mold

Litigators have jumped on the toxic mold lawsuit bandwagon. Toxic mold comes from water damage repairs that were incorrectly made or only partially cleaned up. It can literally make the real estate residents very ill. Some toxic mold is created by homes that were not quality built and allowed water to seep in between the outer and inside walls. There have been a few multimillion-dollar homes in California that had to be totally leveled due to toxic mold.

Insurance companies generally are expected to pick up the tab and then sue the repair contractor or original builder for reimbursement. This attitude has caused a lot of litigation between insurers and residential real estate owners, as well as between insurers and parties assumed to be responsible for the toxic mold. They often lose court cases for reimbursement, as well as incurring attorney fees and court costs. Is it any wonder insurance companies have become gun-shy of small water damage claims that could lead to costly repairs and litigation later.

Administrative Costs

Another reason for the change in attitude toward water damage claims is the change in real estate insurers business practices. Since the early 90s, real estate insurers have looked for more practical ways to increase profits. Through studies, they found that small claims created the same large administrative costs as the larger claims, even though the payouts were small. They now weed out residential real estate customers who make small claims.

Alternative Game Plan for Real Estate Homeowners

Today, it is better not to make small damage claims of any type. Real estate homeowners should increase their deductibles to $1,000 or $2,500. This reduces their premium costs by as much as 30 percent. They are covered for large damages but not paying for services (small claims) that they are not receiving.

With the larger deductible, the premium savings can be placed into a savings account to pay for small claims that would earlier have been submitted to the insurer. Whenever used, the money should be replaced as soon as possible.

After seven-to-ten years of submitting no claims, most real estate insurers will qualify you for a claims-free discount, saving you even more money.

Is It Worth It?

In deciding if you should submit a claim (even a larger one), first determine if it is worth the possibility of losing your policy and/or paying higher rates. Add up all the repair costs. Determine how much the real estate insurer will pay, based on your policy. Subtract your deductible. Is the remainder only a couple hundred dollars or substantially more? Now, determine if it is worth it. Remember, even moving to another state will not escape the CLUE database.

Data Recovery from Water Damaged Hard Drive

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Computer hard drive and other data storage media are generally the victims of water damage and flooding. It makes your whole data inaccessible and cause serious data loss situations. But you should not panic in such as cases as even if the storage media has been under water and its components have damaged,hard drive recovery is still possible.

If your office or house floods and your critical data has not been backed up then you are really in a critical situation. The hard drive might have vital office documents, financial reports or priceless pictures. To overcome all these situations, you need to opt for Data Recovery service of an experienced and reliable company.

To have safe and absolute recovery for your significant data from water damaged hard drive and prevent further data loss, here are few tips to help you:

Remove your computer from water and do not switch it on because it may cause short circuit.

Never try to dry or heat the hard drive. When flooding takes place, dirt and some other debris may enter into your computer and by attempting to remove water from drive may accidental scratch the platters.

Never open the drive in general environment. It should always be opened in safe and sterile environment of Clean Rooms by hard drive recovery software specialists.

Take your hard drive and pack it in airtight bag. You should keep the hard drive moist.

Search for a trustworthy recovery company and send your hard drive to it.

Recovery Process in case of Water Damage

Conventional Data Recovery procedures are not application if the hard drive is having water damage. It might further damage the drive and cause permanent data loss. In such cases, proper handling of hard drive is very important as te oxidization of drive will start to occur. Consequently, the recovery is time consuming because the components mus t be handled very carefully. Recovery from water damaged hard drive includes the following steps:

Fresh water treatment or cleaning

Platter dismounting and surface treatment

Chemical drying inside Clean Rooms

Platter surface re-lubrication

Repairing or replacing damaged components

The most important and critical step of recovery process is to find out the best recovery company. You should always go for a reliable and experience company to achieve successful recovery.

Water Damage Restoration Services can be of great help in the course of a natural disaster

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Natural catastrophes are always unpredictable and do not portent before arriving. They just happen and all of sudden can cause havoc. Whether it is tsunami, earthquake, hurricane or volcano burst, you can observe how they change the whole picture of ground infrastructure. On the other hand, human being is always at the receiving end and has to bear the loss caused by such celestial disasters.

However, life does not stop at one stage and people always strive to restore things at their level best. As soon as catastrophe gets over, the restoration work becomes active. This is the aim of Miami water damage restoration services. The professionals working under such organizations are efficient to handle the situation and restore the damage as soon as possible.

Talking about the hurricane and excessive rainfall in Florida, it was an emergency like situation and people were badly affected by the destruction caused due to the natural disaster. At that time, homeowners were looking for mold remediation, odor removal and other restoration services to restore the damage caused by that calamity. 

The people living in the flood prone areas of Florida had to face comparatively more humidity, that's why there was more mold damages. Moreover, the increment of mold can pose several serious health concerns so it is necessary to alleviate it immediately after the disaster.

Water damage is not the only situation caused by the flood, but the burst, sewer damage, leaky pipes, regular humidity and fire hoses can also produce mold and house odor. Such damages are typically very serious because they make an impact on every aspect of the home.

 Some of the common damages appeared in the form of rotten wood in your floors, walls and furniture, the rusted steel and other metal items, de-lamination of plywood, ruined documents, photos and other belongings. To protect your home from such damages, you would have to understand what types of water and the damage it can cause.

Dedicated construction and water damage restoration services are necessary to determine the best system for saving your valuable items. The application of desiccant air-dry distribution system is one of the best methods for recovering the water-damaged property. This technique is not only energy-efficient but also gives a safe way to remove moisture from your belongings. There are some other techniques that Miami water damage restoration and others are applying to evaporate water quickly and of course harmlessly.